Monday, October 31, 2011

London Adventures: Oct 24-30

Monday:  No repercussions from last night's rice pudding, so I buttered my toast this morning!  The day consisted of snacking, reading, and realizing my Monday class wasn't meeting this week.  The professor went somewhere this week, so he moved reading week to this week.  This means we have class during reading week... kind of not cool.  Walked to campus today and it felt awesome to be outside moving around.  I love that the ivy on buildings is turning red.  Also may finally be completely, officially enrolled in my SOAS class!  Was able to collect the paperwork from UCL, get my professor's signature and return it to the SOAS office.  Something I find interesting is that my name apparently doesn't blend in with the British the way I thought it would.  Erin isn't really given here.  "Eren" is a male name, but isn't very common.  My professor was surprised to see that I'm female!  Went to CU and had a great time continuing to get to know people and hearing about the weekend away.

Tuesday:  Walked to AND from campus today!  Exciting!!  That's a total of five miles.  I can't wait to be running again.  I'm afraid of getting a true workout and setting off the sickness again though.  The day was literally spent reading anywhere between a green spot outside, a coffee shop, and the library.

Wednesday:  Reading, reading, class, CBC Bible study, reading, reading, reading.  First late night of the semester.  Using a lot for these readings...

Thursday:  CU morning prayer, class, paid psych research participation, reading (for fun!) in Starbucks, wandered through Camden Town Market.  Met a South African from my dorm going to the bus station in the morning (didn't get up early enough to walk... felt pretty crappy from the short night most of the day actually) and had a fun conversation comparing British culture to our own.  One thing noted by both of us is that Brits just DO NOT get up in the morning like people at home do!  Everything is so dead in the morning and coffee shops, gyms, and libraries don't open anywhere close to as early!  A good end to the day: one of my flatmates from China made Xi'an style Chinese food that I got a sampling of as well as legit Chinese green tea!

Friday:  I love not having Friday classes.  It's like an extra day to the weekend.  Met up with Meghan to walk to campus.  Read.  Went to Burough Market, curious to see if it was decorated for Halloween.  I expected at least that the various venders would have Halloween style goods, like cupcakes/cookies at the bakery stands with orange and black icing, but they didn't!  Only one stand had pumpkins.  It had the little mini ones and you could decorate them.  Oh, well, still had fun exploring, especially because my new friend Rachel from CU (another American!) met me there.  Tried Turkish delight with Turkish coffee... delish!!  I always wondered what Turkish delight was in the Chronicles of Narnia books... also got a gluten free carrot cake from the GF bakery stand - YUM.  Explored Camden Town Market a bit more on my way home. 

Saturday:  Hockey day!!!  It was so fun to play again!  The game was in Richmond.  Haha it's so funny how there's an American equivalent to so many places here.  I had gotten an e-mail from the team captain asking me to fill in this weekend in goal.  She had gotten my e-mail from someone in the UCL hockey club.  The team is the Accademicals ("Accies" pronounced "Akies" for short).  They want me to keep playing for them and I'm thinking that I will since they actually train and compete at times that fit my schedule!  The level of play wasn't any where near what I'm used to, but at this point I could care less and just want to play.  It began as a club for UCL alumni, so their uniforms have the UCL crest on them which is pretty cool since I can't play for the actual UCL club.  The opposition tried to steal me away to their clubhouse to get me playing on one of their teams after the game.  That was awkward... but a compliment I guess.  Speaking of compliments, I seem to have made an appearance at the Longwood Chi Alpha Halloween party last night... as a costume! LOL.  Alexa you are too funny.  So if you've been wondering about all the Facebook pictures that have gone up with me at Longwood, that's your explanation!

Sunday:  Clocks fell back and hour, so I'm temporarily only four hours ahead of EST.  Light morning run - first since all the sickness!!  CBC morning service, Fun-o-ween (kids running around the church basement in costumes consuming sugar), choir practice, evangelism course, evening service, ice cream with the Joe and Judith.  Wore my traditional Chinese top for Fun-o-ween, a bit reminiscent of last year but oh well. 

"We will not abide in victory unless we first abide in obedience to God's Word." - Pastor Steve

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