Saturday, September 17, 2011

Into Place

I cried out to the LORD,
"I have no purpose here!
My hands are idle
and my heart is all alone.

Why did you bring me here?
You couldn't possibly want me away
for this length of time
in tears of sorrow over what may.

I long for days yet to come.
And I cannot see how I got here.
Could Have Been and Could Be
seem to have better ideas."

But the problem is that 
Could Have Been and Could Be 
trap and haunt.
They are not my friends.

They say, "You made the wrong choice.
You're just running away.
Back out now.
Before it's too late."

Try as I might,
I couldn't make them leave.
So the LORD locked me in saying, 

So I read through Isaiah,
and my struggle began to cease.
My heart grew warm
as I renewed my friendship with Peace.

We spoke of many things,
for Peace is so patient.
For to Him time has one point,
everything has already and will happen.

Peace gave me fresh eyes,
the more I read His Word,
releasing me
from the fiend called Lies.

For Lies likes to visit
anytime he can.
Though he is unwanted,
he's good at finding a way in.

He likes to say, 
"What are you doing here?
This can't be right!
You're not in the right place - just go hide.

In fact, you're never in the right place.
And you never will be,
so just give it up now
and settle for mediocrity.

Are you really actually worth something
in the LORD's sight?
Surely He made you,
but He doesn't truly care!

Others are more useful than you.
Others don't get afraid.
Others are more willing.
They know the LORD more than you ever could!

You see, others understand way more than you.
Others are more secure in who they should be.
They are important in God's plans -
way more than you could ever be."

But Peace socks Lies 
right between the eyes
because Peace has many names,
and they include Truth.

Truth also brings tears,
but these are tears of joy
as He reassures me
and rebukes Lies.

He reminds me of secrets
He told me in the past
about my own special future
He so carefully planned.

Oh how amazing it is!
That He would care so much
as to give me special purpose
and to pick me up out of the dust!

That He would use these things
to help me deal with the unknowns
for with every answer
there is always more to know.

That He would hold me and guide me
changing my heart
For His other name Love
also does a part.

Love renews and restores
even the most troubled of hearts.
Love's reviving work
is some amazing stuff!

I hope you know them,
Peace, Truth and Love,
for They don't play favorites
or bring you down.

They give you courage
to step out in faith
and purpose
to live out your days.

For They are the LORD
and He is full of grace
with which to firmly yet gently
nudge us into place.

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