Sunday, February 12, 2012

London Adventures: Feb 4-12

Been a bit crazy with essay and dissertation proposals.  A bunch of stuff due in the next two weeks.   This coming week is reading week (Half term - what??  I'm halfway through my last semester of masters classes???) which means there are no classes.  Need the time to get all this stuff done.  It will be nice to not have to worry about being in and reading for class and instead just concentrate on the work.

I've managed to get my regular shifts changed to closing Tuesday night and opening Wednesday morning.  This is much better than having them in the middle of the day.  Now I can pick and choose the others as they come up and it gives me more time to be in the library while it's open.  The coming two weeks I'll be getting a full 20 hours in (the most allowed on my visa).  There will be a bunch of double shifts, but I like that so much better than coming in more often for smaller increments of time. 

 The game I spoke of in the last post actually never happened and here's what I had to say about it on Facebook in case you missed it, as well as some memories donated by teammates:
Hockey cancelled due to "frozen pitch." LOL I know plenty of people who would remember playing in an ice storm at UVA as icicles formed on the goal posts! Or how about 6am on the turf dodging snow mounds? It's 32 degrees, feels like 25, and it MIGHT snow 1-3 inches tonight. Yup, Longwood hockey would still be playing!
Katy: I still tell people about those practices! Miserable!
Carra: OH MAN SOOOO TRUE!!! I remember dodging the snow mounds whilst wearing TWO pairs of gloves and Multiple layers of shirts.... 1109 ♥
Dani B: Yeah, and what about when we couldn't put our water bottles on the turf because they would freeze.
Murph: oh my oh my crazy times!   
Seriously.  This is not an exaggeration!!!  But I wouldn't trade it now.  It's just so funny though to come from more serious play to recreational play.
 On top of this, training and the game was cancelled again this weekend due to so called "frozen pitch"...
It did end up snowing last Saturday night and it was a good thing I had come to Chiswick before it started because London can't handle snow.  It was only about two inches, but you would've thought it had been a foot the way public transport shuts down or gets delayed.  London Heathrow (the airport) only has ONE snow plow!!!  So anyway, headed to church early and shoveled out the stairs and entrance.  Only main roads get plowed here and nobody does the sidewalks which is annoying because everyone walks and when it turns into slush it's so nasty.  Because there was concern over people slipping and falling going home after evening service, all afternoon and evening church activities were cancelled.  A bunch of us went to the Messersmith's and hung out for the rest of the day.  It was nice to have down time to chill and just hang out with other church people in a casual manner.

This week (today) we had another interesting Sunday because the heat broke in the church building.  I seriously don't think my feet have ever been so cold in my life.  By the end they were just in pain.  We were huddled together in the pews with blankets, coats, scarves, hats, and gloves.  But at the same time it kind of brought everyone together and oh my goodness the world ended there was some clapping during the hymns!  Afternoon meetings were cancelled again and we held the evening service in the creche downstairs because there were dehumidifiers with a heater of some sort in them.  I loved it because it was reminiscent of cramming 18 people into one dorm room at Longwood for a few hours of praise songs and Bible study.  No guitar, just a cappella out of the hymnals, but it was so soothing and joyful.  I miss getting together with friends just to sing praises and pray for hours on end.

Please be praying for my cousin Stephen who was on a mission trip in a country hostile to the Gospel message and has been missing now for three days.

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